29.4 System security
If you see a logon message similar to:
The system is not configured for production use - check the MyID system security checklist document for further information.
you must review the settings on the Device Security tab on the Security Settings workflow; see the Securing Devices section in the System Security Checklist document.
When attempting to issue a card, you may also see a message similar to the following:
System is not set up to issue this card
This is because MyID is not configured to issue this type of card in accordance with the security requirements on the Device Security tab.
The System Events report may include further information about the system security. The following codes appear in the report:
- S – MyID is not correctly configured to swap the SOPIN to a randomized value at issuance.
- G – MyID is not correctly configured to swap the GlobalPlatform key to a customer value at issuance.
- P – MyID is not correctly configured to swap the PIV9B key to a customer value at issuance.
The System Security Checklist document contains information about configuring SOPINs, GlobalPlatform keys, and PIV9B keys to ensure that your system is secure and configured for production use.
For further information on these system security messages, contact customer support quoting reference SUP-273.